Vampire Lover
The litle me
Saturday, July 13, 2013 | 10:02 PM | 0comments
  Don't judge a book by its cover.I mean it for myself. Everyone around me said that i'm strong,they think i can go through all the problem that come to me..They just don't realize that i have a lot of problem,the problem seem that wanna be friend with me.The problem come ,come and some to me..Forcing myself to smile,a fake smile,a fake smile hide a lot of story... Pretend everything ok is my talent... I don't really show who am i when i be with them ,my friends ,my teachers ,even with my family..

   Everyday when im wake up,i hope that i just sleep and never wake up,even that i had a thoughts to commit suicide.. REALLY .But i know,commit suicide its not a  way to settle all of my problem....Everyone has to go through the problem,problem will be end when you is died.Is that right ? After i have think ,think, and think ,

  We are nothing without God in our life.God is everything.No matter what religion are you,we have to pray more so that we have the wisdom to settle the problem.The love in this world is juat awhile, there's no a precious love other than ours God .

#Thanx for reading.ignore my grammatic error :)

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vampire girl
Paul wesley is mine !An ordinary girl that love vampire so have no idea how i love Paul wesley much more :*